Trade delegation to Sri Lanka, Maldives, China, Hongkong, Mauritius, South Africa, Dubai, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, US and Singapore
For the first time in the history of Tamilnadu Chamber of Commerce & Industry, a 17 member Trade delegation from Chamber led by the then President Mr. S. Rethinavelu visited Sri Lanka and Maldives in the year 1999. The delegation had highly fruitful discussions with Sri Lankan Ministers and Officials and members of leading Chambers of Commerce in Sri Lanka for improving bilateral trade between India and Sri Lanka. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed with Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry of Sri Lanka.
Chamber also participated in the South India Trade Exhibition ‘99 (SITE ‘99) held at Colombo between the 3rd and 6th June 1999. Chamber Trade delegation led by President Thiru N.Jegatheesan visited Sri Lanka for the Second time from 27.01.2016 and 02.02.2016 and participated in the “Invest in East 2016” an International Investment Promotion Meet on 28.01.2016 at Colombo. They held extensive discussion with the Chief Minister of the Eastern Province of SriLanka Shri Nazeer Ahamed on Industrial Investment opportunities in his province on that occasion. The delegation also visited Jafna and met Thiru C.V.Vigneswaran the Chief Minister of the Northern Province of
Sri Lanka and had detailed interaction on improving two way trade and investment. In the year 2001, a 32 member delegation from Chamber, led by the then President Mr. S. Rethinavelu visited China, the first such delegation from Tamilnadu and met the Indian
Ambassador, Consul General, Chinese Industrialists and businessmen, office- bearers and members of Trade and Industrial Associations in China and had detailed discussions with them.
The delegation also visited the Mega Chinese Export Commodities Fair (4000 stalls) at Guangzhou. Memorandum of Understanding (Mou) was signed at Beijing with China Council for the Promotion of International Trade to promote trade and industrial relationship between India and China. Mr. S. Rethinavelu addressed the industrialists of China at Beijing, Shanghai & Guangzhou and also at Hongkong.
In the 80th year of our Chamber (2004), a Trade delegation with 22 delegates led by the then President Mr. S. Rethinavelu visited Mauritius, South Africa and Dubai and signed Memorandum of Understanding with he Mauritius Chamber of Commerce & Industries, Mauritius, Mpumalanga Investment Initiative, Mpumalanga, South Africa. The Trade delegation had highly successful business meetings at Mauritius, Cape Town, Johannesburg and Dubai.
Motivated by the clarion call of our Union Government to “Look East” for accelerating our Exim Trade, a sixteen member Chamber Trade Delegation led by The then President Thiru S. Rethinavelu with Thiru V. Neethi Mohan as Delegation Co-ordinator and Chamber Treasurer Thiru N. Jegatheesan as Delegation Secretary visited the South East Asian Countries of Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia during September 2007. During this highly fruitful visit, our Delegation gathered quite a lot of informations and details through several interactions and Business meets on the potential that exist in South East Asian Countries for furthering business and industrial relations for the benefit of Chamber members and signed MoU with leading Chambers of Commerce in those countries. On behalf of Malaysian government the Minister for Works Thiru Dato’ Seri S. Samy Vellu hosted a Lunch for our delegation.
Trade Delegation from the Chamber consisting of 45 members engaged in varying business and manufacturing activities visited US form 17th to 27th July 2013 with President Thiru N.Jegatheesan as leader of the delegation. The visit to US was prompted by US Commercial Serivce of US Consulate in Chennai. Ms. Mala Venkat, Senior Commercial Specialist in the US Consulate accompanied the Chamber delegation to US. The delegates visited the International Franchise Expo held in Newyork in which 400 plus franchise opportunities were displayed by franchisors from different countries. The delegation had fruitful interactions with the franchisors in the Expo about the suitable brands and products for franchise in TN. They also had detailed discussions and interaction with the top officials of US Department of Commerce at Washington D.C. and exchanged information / suggestions to strengthen the bilateral trade between Tamilnadu and US. Overall the visit of Chamber Trade delegation to US made a positive impact in accelerating the two way trade between Tamilnadu and US.